Art on the Side

Liberty, MO Art Fest 2024

This was our first year participating in Liberty's Art on the Side. We sponsored a commercial booth where we were able to display the collection and talk to those at the festival.

We had a great time talking to various members of the community about the various topics our collection and displayed pieces focused on. These included Liberty Jail, Alexander Doniphan and Zion's Camp.

A huge shout out and expression of appreciation to the Liberty Missouri Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for loaning us the beautiful painting, Zion's Camp, that is currently on display in their Stake Center. The Liberty Stake was kind enough to loan the piece which had been donated to them by local Liberty, MO artist, and member of their congregation, Matt Kesler.

It is an amazing work and was the centerpiece of our booth at the event. So many members of the community had such nice things to say about it.

The most frequent comment we heard in discussing Liberty Jail with those who stopped by the booth was that they had lived there for so long but had never been. Many promised to go give it visit.

All in all, it was a successful first outing for our organization and one we hope to replicate for many years to come. Thank you very much if you stopped by the booth!